Fatal Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents on Houston roads are not uncommon, especially when you factor in the hazardous conditions of the city roads. Hundreds of riders lose their lives each year, while thousands more sustain serious injuries. These startling statistics prove that Houston roads can be unforgiving. However, drunk and reckless driving has also been associated with fatal motorcycle accidents. 

If your family member has been a victim of a fatal motorcycle accident due to the wrongdoing of another, you can demand compensation from the guilty party for wrongful death and even sue them for their carelessness. Before you file a lawsuit, it’s advised that you lawyer up so you can be informed of all your legal options before you resort to litigation. Jerome O. Fjeld is an attorney at law that fights personal injury cases in Houston. Contact us today for a free case review and legal consultation.

Motorcycle crash

What You Should Do After a Motorcycle Accident 

If you or someone you know has been involved in a motorcycle accident, there are certain steps you should take right after the accident to help your lawyer build a case.

Call 911: 

A quick call to 911 will lend you all the assistance you need to help the victim. You could call for an ambulance and police. In case someone you know died due to the accident, it’s important to get them checked at the hospital to gauge the extent of their injuries. Document the crime scene, and take pictures and videos as evidence. Calling the police is also recommended, especially if it’s a hit-and-run case. Gather as much information as you can about the culprit. Try to take the statements of eyewitnesses of the accident, if there were any. 

Document your injuries: 

If you suffered severe injuries due to a motorcycle accident, it’s advised to document your medical condition and progress. This can be produced as evidence before the insurance company or the court as proof of your accident. Take pictures of your bruises and wounds. Ask for medical records from the hospital, and keep your medical bills safe with you. If you want compensation for the medical bills, you’d need to provide proof of all the expenses. The bills would also help your lawyers in calculating total damages. 

Hire a lawyer: 

If you wish to file for a personal injury claim, you would require legal assistance to understand the whole process. As soon as you’re discharged from the hospital, contact your lawyer, and brief them on the events of your accident. Provide them with all the scraps of evidence you could collect. Alternatively, if it were your family member who met with a fatal accident, the Texas law would allow you to file for a claim, provided that you are their next of kin (parent, spouse, or child)

A good motorcycle accident lawyer would be able to use whatever evidence you provide to build a case for you and even present the same in the court, should you choose to file a lawsuit. If you don’t already have a lawyer, contact the office of Jerome O. Fjeld. We would protect your legal rights throughout the process of filing for a claim or lawsuit and ensure that you get compensated for your injuries, wrongful death, and property damage. 

What are some common causes of motorcycle accidents in Texas? 

In Texas, fatal motorcycle accidents could happen for several reasons. Here are some common causes of such accidents. 

  • Drunk driving 
  • Reckless driving 
  • Distracted driving 
  • Overspending 
  • Lane splitting 
  • Hazardous conditions of the road 
  • Limited visibility due to darkness or fog 
  • Using the wrong blinker, or not using one at all 
  • Sudden turns or stops 

These catalysts can make motorcyclists lose balance over their vehicle and lead to a collision. If you met with an accident because someone else was engaged in any of the above practices, you could demand compensation from them for their negligence and inattentiveness. 

Before you go knocking on the doors of their insurance company, contact Jerome O. Fjeld. We would use our legal expertise and negotiate with the company to get you a fair settlement. Without the help of a skilled negotiator, you could be bullied into settling for an unfair amount. 

Jerome O. Fjeld

If you want to file a lawsuit for yourself or on behalf of someone who lost their life following a motorcycle crash, Jerome O. Fjeld can help you land your hands on a fair settlement. The victim’s next of kin can demand compensation from the culprit. We would direct our efforts to recover the amount you spend on medical bills, the wages you lost due to the accident, and the earnings you stand to lose due to your injuries. Before we dive into working on your case, we ask you to brief us on the accident and provide any evidence you collected from the scene. 

If you didn’t collect any evidence, or couldn’t do it for any reason, fret not. We would take it upon ourselves to investigate the accident and talk to the eyewitnesses. We will help you file the claim from the insurance company, and if need be, sue the defendant and their insurance company for failing to pay exactly what you are owed. For a free legal consultation, call us now. 

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