Personal Injury Lawyer Baytown, TX

From Cedar Crossing Industrial Park (which is the 5th largest industrial complex worldwide) to The Cedar Bayou Plant (owned by Chevron Phillips Chemical, and is their largest US manufacturing site), it’s no secret that Baytown, Texas is an upcoming town that continues to climb in demand for what it offers.

With increased industry developments comes a higher risk for certain types of personal injury accidents. That is not to mention a city like Baytown that is thriving when it comes to the import/export side of the business world and the many other traits of communities that are driven by the oil and gas industry. The risk of a personal injury in Baytown during one’s lifetime is present, but the key to survival is making sure that you’re represented by the best Baytown lawyer and be well-informed.

To help you do exactly that, here’s the ultimate guide to finding a personal injury attorney locally (and even nationally) without all the hassles and stress. Crafted by yours truly, Jerome O. Fjeld, PLLC of Bayou City Law which has been serving the wonderful community of Baytown, TX for many years.

What Falls Under Personal Injury Law?

There are two ways that I feel are the easiest when it comes to understanding the different kinds of personal injury law that exists today. As things progress, so does the risk of something happening at the fault of others, which often leads to new types of personal injury lawsuits and settlements being filed for clients. However, it all reaches back to the same roots.

Method #1 – Look at The Technical Definition of Personal Injury Law

For this one, the NOLO Legal Dictionary provides the best definition in plain-English. In a way that it’s easy for everyone to understand even without any legal background whatsoever. Here it is.

An injury not to property, but to the body, mind, or emotions. For example, if you slip and fall on a banana peel in the grocery store, personal injury covers any actual physical harm (broken leg and bruises) you suffered in the fall as well as the humiliation of falling in public, but not the harm of shattering your watch.

Simply put, personal injury helps seek justice for those who were harmed in any way by another party without reason, the damage could have taken its toll emotionally, mindfully, and/or physically. Are you still yearning to learn more about the types of personal injury law? I have you covered, don’t worry!

See All the Different Types of Personal Injury Cases – Here’s A Complete List…

Keep in mind that not every single type of personal injury case may be listed, as this is a complex and ever-changing field of law. If you are unsure whether you have a personal injury that can be claimed and taken to court if necessary, reach out to a personal injury attorney in your area. For those in Baytown, you can contact our Baytown personal injury attorney directly through this website.

Asbestosis CasesAssault ClaimsCar Accidents
Boating AccidentsCommercial Vehicle AccidentsConstruction Accidents
Dental AccidentsDog Bite AccidentsDrunk Driver Accidents
Industrial Disease CasesMedical Malpractice CasesMesothelioma Cases
Motorcycle AccidentsOccupational DeafnessOccupational Stress
Offshore Drilling AccidentsPedestrian AccidentsPlant Explosions
Product Defect AccidentsRoad Traffic AccidentsSlip and Falls
Tripping AccidentsTruck AccidentsWork-Related Illness/Injury

Contact our Baytown Personal injury lawyer for info on specific personal injury legalities.

Is it worth getting a personal injury lawyer?

The answer to this depends on how much you know about personal injury law, whether you’re willing to settle for less than a lawyer could get you, and your situation in its entirety. When it comes to the truth of the matter, every case is different, but a personal injury attorney in Baytown, TX on your side could be the needed ingredient for a recipe to a successful outcome instead of nothing at all. For those who want to risk it all without looking back, sure you could save money, but how much is lost in the process?

That is the true question and one you must answer beforehand for the strongest approach to be seen.
Plus, since it’s most likely on a contingency agreement, you risk nothing to see what could come of it.

Personal Injury Lawyer in Baytown, TX | Jerome Fjeld, PLLC

Avoid These Commonly Made Mistakes with Personal Injury Cases

As a proven personal injury lawyer in Baytown, Texas that has over 18 years of practical experience, I have dealt with all different kinds of clients with a diversified range of needs. To close the gap when it comes to the lack of information online about finding value when hiring a personal injury attorney, and sum up my findings, avoid the following at all costs.

1.      Don’t get bullied by big business or insurance companies.

Unfortunately, it is a cruel world that we live in and I have seen my share of how cruel it can get over the years of handling personal injury settlements and lawsuits in Baytown. It is not always the prettiest side of people when they go to court, especially when they are your defendant.

I have seen many times where a business that was to be held accountable as well as insurance companies attempt to defeat the uneducated at all costs. They know a lot about personal injury law as they experience it more than an average person would in their lifetime. Using that leverage, they will try to give you unfair settlement offers or even prove you wrong.

Whatever it takes for the liability to be put on the shoulders of someone else so that they don’t end up having to take the financial responsibility on themselves. It might even seem unethical for them to be doing this, but at the end of the day, it happens more times than not.

2.      Look for a personal injury attorney in Baytown that has won consistently.

Results say everything, especially when it comes to civil law and ensuring that justice comes for those who have suffered damages at the fault of someone else. After all, it is one of the most competitive landscapes within today’s professional world. Nobody said it was easy.

When you meet with a lawyer initially to discuss your possibility for a lawsuit to be filed on your behalf for personal injury, ask them about their past cases. How much were they able to get for their client and how long did it take to happen? What difficulties were overcome in the process?

Then look for reviews supporting their claims, news articles about cases their law firm has handled, and a willingness to educate the world about the law (via a blog or media outlet).


Regardless of how difficult it can become to be aware of everything during the time of an accident, you need to make sure you don’t expose yourself to liability issues. This can come from simply admitting the part you played in the accident to the one responsible for talking about it casually to someone else.

Make sure that you always cover all the bases. From taking pictures to support your case with physical evidence of the accident to getting all the contact info from witnesses that were present. You want to have a leg to stand on instead of it being kicked out from under you.

Also, consult with an attorney that specializes in various avenues of personal injury to make sure you are legally protected. The last surprise you want is the lawsuit for personal injuries to be thrown out the window due to something that could have been fixed or prevented entirely.

Personal Injury Attorney Baytown, TX

Contact a Leading Personal Injury Attorney in Baytown, TX Today!

I don’t just claim to be one of the best personal injury lawyers in the area, this is based upon the countless 5-star reviews online left by clients and various awards I’ve won over the years. My results are what I want to speak about what I can do for a client who trusts me for their personal injury legal needs.

If you want to schedule your free personal injury consultation, call my office today at (713) 572-6446. Or visit the “Contact” page here on the Bayou City Law website to submit a secure contact form. We will get you in the soonest that we have available, and let you know about the best way to proceed.

Frequently Asked Questions About Personal Injury Law

When it comes to the personal injury legal process, regardless of whether it turns into a lawsuit or reaches a settlement offer, clients tend to wonder the same things as one another when they first step come into our office that specializes in Baytown personal injuries. Here is what we are asked most.

Do I have to report a personal injury settlement to the IRS?

Only if you have taken itemized medical deductions for the expenses that resulted from the personal injury accident. If you didn’t take itemized medical deductions, the full amount of your injury settlement will not need to be reported nor does it come with a tax liability.

While this does take some thought beforehand to not deduct your medical expenses from your taxes via itemized deductions, it is one that has the potential to pay for itself in the long run. A little bit of patiently waiting, and you’ll have all your settlement funds without paying taxes.

How do accident attorneys work?

The general concept of an accident attorney is to provide sound legal representation that upholds their client’s rights while ensuring justice doesn’t become forgotten. From the initial contact with the business and/or insurance company to painting the picture in front of a jury if necessary, a personal injury lawyer handles it all as well as everything in between.

As far as how paying for an attorney to help in a personal injury lawsuit works, it is usually a results-based agreement. Meaning that until a settlement is made with the insurance company or verdict is rendered in the client’s favor, no payment is necessary. If the case does not yield success, no expense shall require you to pay for it.

Just because a lawyer doesn’t offer contingency-based fees for personal injury legal services doesn’t mean that they’re a bad choice. There are times when the risk is too high for them to take on as your attorney, and they need you to be vested

How do I get a pain and suffering settlement without a lawyer?

You would have to conduct the negotiations with the insurance company yourself, and if you file the personal injury lawsuit with the court, you’ll have to complete a filing to represent yourself too.

This will list your attorney of record as yourself and terminate your right to bring in hired legal counsel to represent you on the personal injury lawsuit. While this method isn’t recommended for most, it’s important that if you do go this route that it’s truly the best one for you.

What happens with partial responsibility in Baytown, TX?

If you are found liable in any way within the State of Texas when it comes to damages arising from your accident, a number will be put onto how much liability you are deemed to be responsible for. As long as it’s 49% or lower, you can still pursue your lawsuit.

What percentage do personal injury attorneys get?

This depends upon your specific location, but in Baytown we see most cases being assessed a share of 33% which takes a third of the settlement amount to pay your lawyer. Speaking on a national basis, I have seen a personal injury attorney get paid as much as 40% of the settlement.

Other factors of your personal injury case will also affect how much is required to cover the fees that your attorney has put in place. This can include the level of difficulty to see it through to the end, the legal fees that are charged in the process, and how strong your case is.

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